Now that Mervin King’s
Wiki-pinion is added to that of
Obama, it is well-known that Cameron’s
passable presentation of himself as a leader may be being aided by hired Communications types.
He and his
oik henchman, Osbourne, are indeed the
private-school lightweight sons of millionaires who have
never worked a hard day in their lives. Therefore,
it is their £9000-tuition university policy,
and they’re clueless,
as are the ranks of their party and the Liberal Democrats,
if they can’t see what these plans are doing to UK society.
Ya, it’s that big an issue!
[I assure you that British politicians, on the whole, are
either protesting unfair policies,
or they’re stupid, lazy and corrupt.
So that means about 60 Labour, 30 Liberal members and a smattering of Tories
are on the good side, out of 700. Haircut, anyone? Financial, that is.]
This says a lot about their plans for universities. They see it only
short-term-wise as a boost to
private universities, and have just about said it that
clearly. They want to boost fees so that 3-year degrees cost
£27 000 (with interest
). Cranfield U, a private shop, for example has fees of £
8500. Pretty competitive, and Cranfield didn’t even have to get their marketing team’s feet wet. The dynamic dodoes did it for them. But, I think that Tweedles Dee and Dum should go back to the drawing board, because Cranfield’s degrees, all legal, approved and
everyfink, are completed in
two years, not three. So, the private uni is truly the better deal, and the quality is decent, I guess. But, you gotta pay up front. The ‘Good for the economy’
mantra reminds me of Gordon
Brown and his take on the
Iraq war;
stepping over bodies to help their
rich friends, as they all are.
If they wanted to make it less obvious that they were helping out their
Oxbridge buddies to start up universities, they could have made the rise in fees
20%, to £3600. By raising them
200% (they’re not
Business grads, I’m certain), to £9000 pounds, they’ve raised a
poll-tax-size ire in the public, and
split the society clearly into
haves and have-nots. And that’s only
one piece of legislation, and they want, or Nick
Clegg wants,
5 more years of this tripe.
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences courses don’t cease altogether, there will be a flood of kids going into
Political Sciences or Public Administration, just so that these youngsters can plan to someday
stick their foot up those fluffy, lightweight
arses in the government that is saddling them with
debt, and then keeping them from qualifying for a
home loan (which is hard enough already) unless they
pay off the 27000 as soon as possible. That’s their goal, perhaps. Make ‘em scramble to pay it off.
Or perhaps the goal is to get students
learning foreign languages, because the only
universities they’ll be able to
afford will be those on that
Continent that they love and hate
so much.