UK elections 2010. The people deserve more from democracy. We'll get that with a coalition government. "I don't hate democracy, just politicians" Guy Fawkes.

Friday, 15 April 2011

this is the caring guy we need to help our children

@sarc Education Minister David Willetts, and in the painting, just Dave

a glowering technocrat, with a painting of his vainglorious boss.
Really approachable and down-to-earth bunch... for Oxford, anyway.

What is he really saying? Here's an American translation:

"One way or the other, you're kids are screwed."

From the interviews I've seen of Willetts, he does not really care to engage in debate. He shuts down any kind of real discussion of his policies, and notice how he's not even invited to the BBC anymore. That's democracy at work.

What he should be doing is smoothing the progress of students into university, especially into the courses that the UK needs, like engineering, visual arts (e.g. video game technology), sciences. You never know what advanced education will bring to the UK. As it stands, because kids are not well-educated and have few role-models for the above subjects, and ZERO encouragement, this has created a problem. It seems kids here need encouragement.
However, Oxbridge graduates don't really care, as long as they get to rule the roost in Westminster. They've never really worked in their lives before. So, there's your education ministry. Ministering to sycophants and the rich only.
Prime directive:
Arrangements for their buddies kids to work at Finnish banks,
like the one Clegg-er worked for.
Finnishing school! AHAAHAhahAhAhAHAhAh
-Cosine67 ~~

Sunday, 10 April 2011

corruption needs a puritan response

I'm working on a cycle of British history which arrives once every 500 years or so.
When the populace is so displeased with the sleaze and corruption of government,
that they get off their barstools and take things into their own hands.
The last time it happened was in the 17th century, with the English civil war.
Cromwell's puritans took over government.
They were a bit severe, though. They wanted to cancel Christmas.

The King they beheaded was Charles I.

Today, we're seeing the government allowing the bankers to run roughshod over the
whole economy and doing nothing while thousands lose their jobs and benefits.

Also, there's the issue of a weak, unpopular heir to the throne, Charles.
I watched "would I lie to you", a tv game show. I'll explain when I can get the URL.
the humour used means that Chuckles is not going to have a good time, once he takes
over from the Iron Queen.

Is it the name, Charles, which causes me to expect a repeat?

more later