UK elections 2010. The people deserve more from democracy. We'll get that with a coalition government. "I don't hate democracy, just politicians" Guy Fawkes.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

I'm Liberal, I'm a democrat and I'm radical

I'm wondering about whether the Lib Dems are ever going to come out of the wilds.
Are they left?
or right?
They've got some good policies, like a tax-free first 10 000 in income.
Then, they turn around and promote a 2 million pound threshold for house tax.
This may be why many don't take the LDs seriously, and why I think they're most often
foils (see below).

I'm starting to organise a philosophy about some Lib Dem supporters.
They actually are ignorant of realpolitik. They just want to dream of Utopia.
They just want to be left in their rooms with their ideas.
But, why do that now, though? History awaits.
They have a chance to get some of their policies enacted.
Maybe a ministry for Vince.
They have a chance of mellowing the Tories' savaging of the working stiff.
So, what do some of their politicians and supporters say?
"I cannot countenance co-op with the Tories."
"We are a radical left party" one says.
Ya. Left of Genghis. I'll give you that.

Now, I'll tell you how to shut those people up:
This is a country of 70 million people with massive debts, and it's in limbo.
The hedge markets are waiting to savage UK, plc.
BP needs a bailout, and a mop'n'bucket.
Britain's imaginary enemies in Afghanistan are looking for signs of weakness.

One way to stop the uncertainty is to find a way to negotiate with the enemy.
No, not the Taliban; the Tories. Mullah Osbourne! xD
the Mullah of moolah.

If more than a few LDMPs jump ship, then
confidence in the government coalition will melt.
Then we'll all be grabbing our handbaskets, because hell awaits.
So, everybody has to get off their arses and co-operate like big adults.
Now, go on. Git goin'!

My opinion in the past was the LDs were there to foil the 'outgoing' government when
it was clear to the Man that the incumbents were due to leave.
I'm LD. I'm left. I'm right. I'm zig-zagging.
Why does the Man have to decide?
Well, the UK voters seem to be infinitely patient with stumble-butt governments.
You tolerated the Tories for 14 years; Labour for 13.
Now, was that intelligent? I ask you!

The comical side of this is:

You folks wait until a party has been in power for so long that they can't stop
behaving like moronic pigs at the trough,
Roman senators on the grape,
like some medieval despot,
Now I know where Monty Python got its humour from.
Incumbent politicians. Kick 'em out.

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